Unlock Access to 'The Podcast Network' Premium

Current FREE Benefits For Premium:

  • Jamie's best selling course for free 'Podcast Profit LAB' ($997) — How to launch your podcast into the top 100 charts (100% success rate with 330 clients) 
  • Jamie's 'Profit With Pop-Up Podcast' Audio Course ($2,000) — We sold $40,000 Using a 'Pop-Up Podcast' this course shows you how to do the same 
  • Access to 'Need a Guest' Premium — We also are a co-owner of 'Need a Guest' a FB Community of 20,000 members
  • ​Premium Sponsorship Network — We'll put your show details into our sponsorship database and connect you with interested sponsors

Coming Soon...

  • Dedicated Premium Community — To ask questions, grow & expand your podcast & business 
  • PR Mastery — Write your own press releases and get featured in the media
  • Let us know in the application what else you'd like to see in Premium
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